What is Emotional Intelligence?

What is Emotional Intelligence?

We all are aware of IQ because our education system judges everyone on the basis of this. But the SUCCESS of a person not only depends on how good a person is with IQ but also depends on the EQ (Emotional Quotient) too.

IQ only contributes about 20 percent of the factors that determine life success, which leaves 80 percent to other forces. "The vast majority of one's ultimate niche in society is determined by non-IQ factors, ranging from social class to luck."

We are having 2 minds one is rational and another is emotional. Most of the decision we take at a point of time is because of the Emotional Brain. We can define EI or EQ as the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions including how we deal with the second person's emotion.

Emotional Intelligence is made up of 5 things:-

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SELF Awareness

Being emotionally self-aware simply means that you’re able to recognize and label your own feelings. It also gives you clarity on your values and sense of purpose, so you can be more decisive when you set a course of action. As a leader, you can be candid and authentic, speaking with conviction about your vision.

Managing Emotions

Suppose you are angry at one person and you have said things you haven't. This behavior is because of the lack of self-regulation. It’s normal for us to feel anger, anxiety, low moods, and sadness. However, should we let them take charge of our lives? Anxiety is a common emotion for many of us. Think about that time you had a deadline. You constantly worry about it but you don’t get to work. What happens to your anxiety and worry? It increases, the more we worry, the more worry builds up. The right decision at that point of time is taking a deep breath and follow up on your work.

Self Motivation

Having intrinsic motivation is also a key factor for success. Doing things, not for fame, money, recognition, is also a skill. Doing something to fulfill your own goals. Motivation is when we believe in our own abilities. This makes us motivate ourselves, be optimistic even when things are not going well. We become open to trying different approaches and putting in efforts to get what we want.


Empathy, or the ability to understand how others are feeling, is absolutely critical to emotional intelligence. But it involves more than just being able to recognize the emotional states of others.

It also involves your responses to people based on this information. When you sense that someone is feeling sad or hopeless, how do you respond? You might treat them with extra care and concern, or you might make an effort to buoy their spirits.

Handling Relationships

Both personal and professional relationship helps a lot in a long time success. Working as a leader you must be detecting the emotions of others, their concerns, and what motivates them to work for you. Emotionally intelligent people are able to build trust with other people and are able to quickly gain respect from the people they meet. We send emotional signals in every encounter

Having High Emotional Intelligence (EQ) helps you to:

  • Better Communication with Clients, Business Partners and Team Mates
  • Encourage your team with better leadership and more positive thinking.
  • Having long term Friendships.
  • Have better family relationships and enjoyable dating life.
  • Will help you a lot in term of Success in life